The story
The story of ‘I am the Word’ began in 2017, when the author, during an intercessory prayer at the Dominican Church in Poznań, heard a call in his heart.
It involved attending an hour-long adoration in the chapel there every day throughout the year.
During the third adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the author heard a voice in his heart that introduced himself as Jesus Christ and asked him to start writing down the words He wanted to dictate to him. For the first year, the author wrote down words that were addressed directly to him and could be called his ‘spiritual diary’. Only after this time did he hear a request to write down further content as a commentary on the Gospel. For the first three years, these were usually words to fragments of the Gospel of a given day. After this time, another request came to write down the comments one by one, chronologically. The author did not expect that it would ever become a book and only the introduction to ‘I am the Word’ dictated to the author explained the purpose of this work and what the person was experiencing.
In 2020, the Word written in “I am the Word” moved a group of people to transfer the Gospel to virtual reality (VR). The fruit of this call is the establishment of the Miejsce Słowa foundation, whose mission is to spread the Word of God using the latest technologies.