If you would like to share your testimony about „I Am the Word”, send an email with 2-3 sentences to kontakt@jestemslowem.pl, or fill out the form here.
Fr. Krzysztof Freitag SAC
"'I Am the Word' is the answer to the hunger of the heart - this was my first thought after reading excerpts from this book. Jesus uses various means today to meet our needs - I am certain that this book is one of them. For me, being nourished by the Word is the foundation of spiritual life - I cannot imagine a day without listening to Jesus. These notes help me view the Word of God from a different perspective and illuminate the inspired text for me. Therefore, I sincerely recommend it - this book is a true Divine Cosmos!"
Dr. Dorota Narewska - Doctor of Theological Sciences in the field of Pastoral Theology
"I read the book from a theological perspective, focusing on the so-called new threads in theology present in the words conveyed to contemporary readers through this medium. The name Jesus is used interchangeably with Creator. Indeed, this is something new, but in the Holy Scripture, for example in the Lord's Prayer given to us by the Savior Himself, we say: Hallowed be Thy Name. So, the question is, what is that name? For a Christian - JESUS."
Rev. Prof. Dr. Habi. Jacek Hadryś - Head of the Department of Systematic Theology at the Faculty of Theology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
"A new, original, and profound approach to the Word of God, at times particularly moving. It is worth getting to know, meditating on, and allowing the Lord God to work. Highly recommended."
Fr. Leonard Bielecki OFM - Provincial Minister of the Province of St. Francis of Assisi of the Order of Friars Minor
"The Word of God is alive, life-giving, and inexhaustible. The text you have in your hands offers a new perspective on what seems already very familiar, and yet... it is a stimulating, refreshing, and incredibly insightful word."
Bishop Jan Zając - Honorary Custodian of the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Łagiewniki
"’I am the Word’ evokes admiration for undertaking the difficult task of delving into the depth of the Word of God in such a form. It brings gratitude for introducing the Gospel into daily life in such a clear way."
„Jestem Słowem” Foundation
Naramowicka 266C
61-601 Poznań
KRS: 0001026107
All publications have the imprimatur of the Catholic Church. The book uses text from “Biblia Tysiąclecia” (The Millennium Bible), 5th edition.
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