For communities

“The words that are dictated in «JI am the Word» are not words that only sound wise, but they are the living voice of the Son of God

These words are the truth, and the truth cannot harm anyone, so whoever does not recognize it should not persecute either. <> is a gift to the Church from my Father who is in heaven. This is my work and it is created in such a way that by reading it chronologically, a person grows in faith and comes closer to my love. I want those who have experienced the voice of the Son of God in these words to meet in a group with their neighbours every week and read this work together with them, and then to meditate on the Gospel and the written Word together. Such meetings should always take place with the consent of the parish priest or the spiritual guardian of the community, even if they take place at home. <> is a gift to the Church and its purpose is to testify that I am the Word, that there is truth in the Gospel and in the Church. The truth that will lead you to eternal life.”

”I want everyone who recognizes Me in the words written in "I am the Word" to become a servant of the Word of God.

Many people abandon faith in Me and forget that there is eternal life. They stop believing in the Gospel and claim that the words contained in the Holy Scripture are not the living words of My Father who endures forever.
Therefore, I, Jesus Christ, dictated words to an inconspicuous person for this work, to remind humanity of this.

I tell you that whoever preaches the work “I am the Word”, preaches the Gospel, because these words are dictated by Me, so that people can experience the conversion of their hearts and the fact that I am with you and will never leave you, that I am the Word and I live in the Word. So if you want to get to know Me, read the Gospel.”

Does the ‘I'm the Word’ Foundation organise any community meetings?
The Foundation does not organise community meetings. We encourage you to read the Holy Scriptures and share the Word in your own communities.

„Jestem Słowem” Foundation
Naramowicka 266C
61-601 Poznań
KRS: 0001026107


All publications have the imprimatur of the Catholic Church. The book uses text from “Biblia Tysiąclecia” (The Millennium Bible), 5th edition.


“Jestem Słowem” Foundation
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Title: Donation for statutory purposes