“I would like the musical meditations ‘I am the Word’ to take place in my temples.
Many people abandon faith in Me and begin to think that My Father’s House is in nature and it is enough to love and glorify the Creator only in the heart, and they do not need My Church. Whoever listens to my voice gets to know Me, and whoever gets to know Me, his heart begins to long for an encounter with Me, and this encounter is the Eucharist. Therefore, whoever has already known Me wants to grow in My Church and transform its face with his love. But whoever follows the world begins to doubt that I AM and in his confusion he does not know where the House of the Lord is. I would also like music and prayer meetings to take place in music halls and in various places on stages, so that people who do not come to meet Me and those who have already forgotten about my existence hear my voice and turn back on their way to my Church”.

We will soon share information about the next “I Am the Word” events.
The person composing the music will not be present at musical meditations either in churches or in music halls. Composed pieces are performed during live music meetings by musicians employed by the Foundation.
A quote from a spiritual journal
“I would like you not to come to the ‘I am the Word’ musical events, organized either in halls or in churches. This work is my word, not yours. It’s the same with music. If you were present at musical meditations, you would be accompanied by epic, and epic is the entrance to pride. You will boast in what you hear, and your heart must always be turned towards Me, and not towards worldly things. Therefore, you are prohibited from being a listener or participant in all these events. This situation can be compared to the director of a theater play who devoted his entire life to developing a given play and never saw it on stage. But ask yourself: who is the director of all this in “I am the Word?”
The author has received a university degree, but none of the above- mentioned. He has a scientific mind and is developing his professional path in a completely different direction.
„Jestem Słowem” Foundation
All publications have the imprimatur of the Catholic Church. The book uses text from “Biblia Tysiąclecia” (The Millennium Bible), 5th edition.
“Jestem Słowem” Foundation
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