I am the Word and in the Word I live
I am the Word and in the Word I live. If you want to get to know Me, read the Holy Scripture.
My name is Jesus and I am the Saviour of this world.
I ask you to start serving Me and use your gift to build my kingdom. I wish to dictate a word for the Holy Scripture to you. This work is my word and is written by Me.
I am the author, I am the pen and I am the ink.
You are merely the paper and the material through which my word can be revealed. No one worships the materials of books, but rather their authors. So it is in this case, but remember that this is the best path to your happiness.
Letters of blessing
Stanisław Gądecki | Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznań
Cardinal Grzegorz Ryś | Metropolitan Archbishop of Łódź
Bishop Jan Zając – Honorary Custodian of the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Łagiewniki

In addition to hearing my voice, you have also been given the gift of composing music to reveal the glory of my Father who is in heaven. Here also I am asking you to remain anonymous, because this is the music that is given to you by the Lord, so it is not created by you.


„Jestem Słowem” Foundation
All publications have the imprimatur of the Catholic Church. The book uses text from “Biblia Tysiąclecia” (The Millennium Bible), 5th edition.
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